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Anti-Virus Software: Needed but…

Originally posted on Canada Personal Finance as Anti-Virus Software. Fits a bit better over here.

… the pricing on this stuff is nuttier than a Brazil Nut grove! Yes, I have talked about Anti-Virus software being a Scam before, but I sometimes get to rant about the same things (I’m old, respect your elders).

woman in brown dress holding white plastic bottle painting Anti-virus
Anti-Virus For Mona Lisa?
Photo by Yaroslav Danylchenko on

For now, I am speaking of the mainstream Anti-virus folks (not the AVG and Malwarebytes who offer free stuff which works fine (heck even Microsoft’s free security essentials is pretty good these days)). No I speak of Norton and McAfee and their insane pricing methodologies which force me to go to a store and buy NEW copies of their software instead of making a renewal as cheap (if not cheaper) than it is to buy something new.

Before you think I am saying you don’t need anti virus software, that is NOT what I am saying, you need this software, so get some, or you are asking for trouble.

Why Anti-Virus?

OK, just so I don’t have someone claiming I told them not to get anti-virus software (oh, and all you Mac snobs, don’t be thinking you are somehow exempt from Viruses, they are already here for you, too). Still, I grow weary of the game played for Anti-virus software on the PCs.

For example you buy a new computer, and it comes with a 30-day free antivirus for pc (depending on who you buy the system from). OK, that is good, your new PC is protected for the first 30 days you own it. However, pretty much every day your PC now flashes up a “You Should Renew Your Anti-Virus Software” advertisement. You decide it would be a good idea to do that, so you click and see that ” renewing” your software will cost $59 (for one machine). This seems a little expensive, so you go to Staples, or better still to the Dell On-Line store and you see you can buy a 3-Computer license (so software for 3 of your home computers), for $69 (or less), you scratch your head and wonder why these companies price this way?

Why? I guess they catch many folks, who don’t want to be bothered to look around and check the software prices, so they “renew” their anti-virus that way. This has been going on for more than 10 years, so it must be working, or the Anti-virus biggies would have changed their ways, but no, I saw this again Sunday morning, so nothing much is changing.

Shop around for software prices. I found a McAfee 3 computer license on sale at the Dell Store (on “Boxing Day”) for $12.99, so yes, this stuff does get steeply discounted as well. Shop around and don’t get your pocket picked by the big software companies. What is the best antivirus for windows 10 for free? Have no idea.

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