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Comment relish turned out to be a bit of a non-helpful plug-in, as it continued to send thank you e-mails to folks it had already thanked, and I got a couple of complaints about it, so I have removed it from the Finance Site.

I have added Comment Luv to the systems to see if anyone appreciates adding their own posts to my comments. We shall see whether it turns out to be of any value, either. This allows commenters to include links back to articles in their comments to show some love for the comment. I’ll see what this causes (my guess is a fair amount of spam, so I will be keeping my auditing on as well).

Text Link Ads are pissing me off, as this is the second month where they have allowed “advertisers” to have ads up on my website for an entire month, withdraw on the last day, and I don’t get any money for it? WTF? That is seriously bad karma, and I may remove it from my site if this keeps up.

I have also removed Pingcrawl from this site, as it kept causing my posts to screw up and I never really got any valuable links out of it, so I have deactivated it for now as well.

Had some air-head from a “Pay Day Loan” company ask me about Advertising, and I normally don’t even answer those. Still, they were asking to advertise on my Blogspot site (you know the one that has 1 post and it points back to my normal site), so I played along and they were going to pay $250 for the whole year until I pointed out I was not going to update the site, then they asked to advertise on my real site. The Karmic part of this mess is that this group said my advertising rates were too high and that I had no right to charge that much for advertising. You can guess my response.

Have a great weekend.

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