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An update on my attempt to carve out a meagre income with my blogging so here is an update for December from Canadian Personal Financial Opinions :

  • Adsense income $77.92 with about 13000 impressions (including RSS)
  • Kontera income $8.46 on 8735 page impressions
  • TextLinkAds income $37.06 earn with 5 ads running out of a possible 8 (text link ads)
  • Performancing Ads $39.00 from 2 advertiser
  • Pepper Jam Ads income $0.00
  • NeverBlueAds income $0.00
  • TTZ Media income $0.00
  • Marketleverage income $0.00
  • ReviewMe review income $0.00
  • Pay Per Post income $0.00
  • Privately arranged ads income $20.00

Total income for July 2008: $182.44 (up 40%)

Page rank for the site from Google: 3/10 

Page rank for the site from Alexa #588840 (up)

Number of RSSReaders from Feedburner: 420 (avg)  (same)

So, both Performancing and Kontera are on my watch since I have not seen dime 1 from them, even with their claims of income, and they may fall off the roof if I don’t see money from them soon.

Overall a very good month with readership up a great deal and income levels up very nicely as well, not sure what exactly is causing this, but hopefully this will continue.

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