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Those Loathsome Scrapers

Scraper scumbag big Leafs Fan though
Possible scraper in his element

So there are a bunch of sites that I keep finding that enjoy scraping content from Canadian Financial Rants, which is flattering in 1 way, but very annoying in other ways. None of these sites seem to monetize too much, so I will let them be for now, but I am also including more and more links to my internal articles in my postings to see if I can pull folks off those sites and onto my real site!

What does that picture have to do with anything? If someone buys this nifty mat from Amazon I might make a few extra bucks? You don’t have to go home, you just can’t stay here.

Just for you Scraper

Scrapers please go away
Please Go away Scrapers

With the dawn of the AI author, which steals content with impunity it seems, keep this in mind.

Scraper FAQ

What is a scraper?

Usually, software is used to pull information from your website. Software is readily available for this. Some things scraped are Statistics for Sports Teams, Stock prices and trends, and content for plagiaristic reasoning. Spiders and scrapers are sometimes the same thing.

Can I stop scrapers?

There are some measures you can take to slow down the ability to crawl or scrape your site. However, if your site is publicly read, it becomes harder. You can lock out IP addresses of known scrapers, and you can put limits on how much information can be pulled off your system.

Why insert copyright statements?

Very much a closing the doors after the cows are gone, you are not stopping the scrape, but you might be able to find the scrapers, if they are dumb.

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