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WordPress Plug-in Hell

WordPress users must manage plug-ins carefully to avoid overloading their site and harming SEO. Overuse of resource-intensive plug-ins like JetPack and Yoast can lead to a sluggish site and HTTP 504 Errors. An effective strategy to identify problematic plug-ins is the ‘Plug-in Wipe Out Game,’ where all plug-ins are deactivated, then reactivated individually to test their impact on site performance. The author’s experience shows Yoast caused significant slowdown, indicating it may not handle large sites well, leading them to consider Rank Math as an alternative. Site performance is vital for search engine visibility, so finding the right balance of plug-ins is critical.

Wordpress staging site close up shot of a typewriter plug-ins

Dueling Plug-In Agony

A Canadian Personal Finance site owner experienced a conflict between two WordPress plugins: CommentLuv and Akismet. CommentLuv, which the owner appreciates for its charm and ‘no follow’ links, seems to clash with Akismet’s spam filtering features. Regular commenters’ posts are mistakenly ending up in the spam queue when they include CommentLuv links. Despite Akismet’s effectiveness in catching over 11,000 spam comments, the owner must now closely monitor the spam queue to prevent legitimate comments from being wrongly categorized as spam.