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OK, so I figured out what was “wrong” with my site claim with Yahoo, the identifying meta tag was too far down in the template and got lost by the robots, that were doing the authentication. I moved the tag to the top of the template, and suddenly my financial site Canadian Financial Opinions is mine and recognized (Whoo Hoo). Now I can figure out what I can do with the Yahoo site tools that they give me access to, and whether I can also start driving up my site ratings in Yahoo!

Google was back two days ago going through Canadian Financial Opinions so that is a good thing, but still finding lots and lots of errors (500 Internal server error), so I need to look into those and figure out exactly what is going on here, as well. Google is creating 12% of the throughput on my site, so that is a very good thing. If I can just get the Yahoo numbers up I think I will be smoking.

Surprisingly the Canadian Capitalist is my main source of folks wandering into my site, by referrals, wonder if I should be advertising on his site?

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