I am inundated by cold-call emails asking about advertising and guest posts. What are my rates? A wise former blogger gave me some advice.
If they pay your rate, your rates are too low. Until someone finally says, “That is too high”, you are being underpaid.
Well Known Former Financial Blogger
Advertising Example
A while ago, I inquired about putting a link on my web page, from a UK advertiser. I quoted my current rates. It was paid, no fuss, no muss, no bother, and the link is now on my Financial website.
The next day, I got another email asking about rates. I see it is a debt place in the states, so I send the same rates to this guy, and I get back a scathing commentary of “how dare I charge so much for advertising”? Um, I didn’t call you; you called me and commented that my rates are too high, which is acceptable. Don’t pay them since I have one advertiser; I guess my rates are competitive?
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