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Writing about making money on the Internet

I wrote this article about 20 years ago (as you can tell by my references to MySpace  ) but some of the references are still on topic. The topic is of course, making money online.

I somehow suspect that the huge money to be made on the Internet is not by figuring out what the next MySpace is (by the by, have a look at the Big Cajun MySpace site), or TechCrunch. There is a lot of money talking about how you should go out and create such a site and how you can make money off it. The next MySpace is going to be another one of those 1 in 10000 ideas that really get adopted by our young folk and become part of their “lifestyle”, the problem is that a 45-year-old man is not going to figure out what that is, so what should we do? Advise them on how to make money once they have this great idea of course!

crop man getting dollars from wallet make money
Make Money ?
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Research to Make Money ?

If I go to my local library catalogue, there is a plethora of books on how to customize MySpace, how to blog, or how to make money with Adsense, so there is no limit on the resources available from your library or the web.

What is even funnier is all this customization for MySpace. What makes it so unique is a BUG that was introduced accidentally, but kids figured out about it, exploited it, and now MySpace is a phenomenon beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. I read an article on the technical aspects and background of MySpace, and it was fascinating for me to see how the founders just put something together because they didn’t like the existing resources, made a lot of mistakes (and still admit that they are), but just kept plugging away and working at it. MySpace is nothing that unique technology, but it has cache now, and thus it is now part of our culture. Far out stuff, man.

So maybe the big money is not in blogging about Finances, it’s about telling folks about the next big technology AFTER it has been thought up 🙂

How do I make money online?

Don’t ask me, I barely break even most years. If you want to sell your soul, it is possible, but you will lose all self-respect doing it. Maybe TikTok videos?

Seriously How do I make money online?

Most things that make big money initially get overrun, and a large fish eats all the profits. Porn, video serving and music all went that way, assume the same. You could make YouTube videos or Podcast, but there is no money there anymore.

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