The year 2010 was a relatively successful year for THE Canadian Personal Finance site. However, not nearly as successful as I think it should be to justify the amount of time I spend on writing and developing the business.
Some of the highlights of my Personal Finance successes (to be optimistic):
- My Alexa ranking has gone from off the face of the earth to 98,186, which means I think I have succeeded in the Yakezie challenge (got below 100,000 on Alexa).
- My income from Adsense is up about 5% this year over last, which while good is still slave wages compared to the amount of work put into the site.
- TextlinkAds kept up it’s regular payment pace, and it paid about 10% more for the year, so I mustn’t complain about that.
- I had other income of about $200 from other bits and pieces, which is up a little bit over last year.
- My presence of Social Networking seems to be much higher these days and I am drawing more readership from these sites, but they are not of very high quality, in that they are not big Adsense clickers, or purchase stuff that I link to on Amazon.
- Had my first Personal Finance guest post in a while, with Side Effects of Credit Card Debt Build Up, which was received quite well and I did help out a starting blogger, so good for me.
As we can see from Analytics there were a few spikes in the year:
What Personal Finance Articles Did Work This Year?
And the list of my most popular posts for the year were:
- Gifts You Should Never Give to Your Kids, which goes to show that if you rip off an idea from MSN you can still get a lot of readers too. (2143 page views)
- Pet Insurance WTF, does portray me as a heartless oaf when it comes to pets, but hey, if it sells, who cares? (1443 page views)
- Gosh Darn CPP and EI, which simply is me bitching about paying premiums, which is cool. (1342 page views)
- Advice to Future University Students shows that any story that talks about teenage drinking, can’t be all bad (1230 page views)
- Banking on Sunday is the first post that I really tried to push hard using Social Networking, and I guess it shows that this can be of use as well. (1181 Page Views)
So I guess the best thing I can do is repost these on Twitter this week, just to get a little more bang for my post?
Goals for Coming Year
I think I have a few simple goals for the coming year:
- Make more money doing this.
Seems like the only real goal, so let’s work on that.