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Twitter/X Etiquette? (is that a thing?)

X Tsunamis

I am still learning how to use Social Media to drive more readers through Canadian Personal Finance (and thus hopefully create more income from the site), but I am starting to learn a few things about one of the significant social media engines, Twitter.

Twitter or X Etiquette

The first thing is Twitter rarely creates much of a buzz for my site, so my guess is I am not in any way an expert, but I have learned what does not work (so that is a good start):

  • Do not create Twitter Tsunamis where you post 10 things at once on Twitter. Nobody can, or wants to read that much on Twitter, and most posts will be ignored. I have created my own rule that if anyone whom I follow creates a Twitter Tsunami of more than 3 posts, I unfollow them right away. Use Hootsuite, Kloutt, Buffer or something like that to spread the info out.
  • If you are retweeting a post, add something to it, unless it is the SEO Secret of Life say what you think of the link or post, or I won’t click anything.
  • Directed posts that attempt to get you to click because they put a link to your user are done by scumbag phishing dirtbags, and I will retweet their user every time, calling them a scumbag. Don’t do this, it might make you money, but you are then a scumbag.
  • I don’t formally welcome new followers in any way shape or form, that is my preference. Others send a nice welcome message. OK, I guess that is fine, but if you send me a Welcome Message with a Make a Million Dollars link, I will unfollow you immediately.
  • Don’t just post links, post your ideas, try to start conversations or arguments in Twitter, it’s much more interesting. Simply posting links will eventually get you unfollowed, especially if they are links to stuff I don’t care about.
Twitter icon
Tweet, Tweet

The result is that I don’t have that many followers right now, but I am not worried about it either. I will not follow folks, and if I feel like someone is trying to manipulate me into clicking on things, they will be gone.

Are there others like this? I have no idea, but I can’t think I am the only one who feels this way.

Link Building Articles

4 thoughts on “Twitter/X Etiquette? (is that a thing?)”

  1. Oh, Big Cajun Man. You had me rolling with this post.

    Twitter Tsunamis, SEO Secret of Life, & Scumbag Phishing Dirtbags – priceless. I have to admit I’m tempted to @reply you to see if you’d really call me out though. 😉

    You may not be a guru, but you definitely have a great list of what NOT to do when it comes to Twitter.

    Thanks for the advice and the laughs.

  2. Pingback: Why Do I Write So Much ?

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