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The history of moving this site is varied.

concentrated woman carrying stack of cardboard boxes for relocation moving man
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com
  1. It started over at Blogspot, and there is still a version there.
  2. It moved to Dreamhost in 2007 or so, and had been there for a good long time
  3. Now it has migrated to Websavers a Canadian service, used by a few other prominent authors.

As you can tell, this site has not been very active, and we shall see whether this rejuvenates things a bit. Thanks to the Websavers team for making the transition go smoothly.

Moving Addendum

A minor issue arose with cleaning up after the transfer. The Loopback capability was messed up, but after consulting with the support team, the problem was solved quickly.

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