Be Aware Virus Scan Subscription is it a Scam?
Is computer virus scan software subscriptions just a big scam? No, but the way they are priced that is a complete scam. You need the software, but does the virus scan do you any good?
Is computer virus scan software subscriptions just a big scam? No, but the way they are priced that is a complete scam. You need the software, but does the virus scan do you any good?
While everyone should be using anti-virus software , malware removers, firewalls and many other software, the pricing for these continues to be a scam.
Apple Pay and Wallet have been with us for a long while, here is something I wrote about it, and NFC devices and their possible security issues. Apple-Pay seems to have made traction in the US, but in Canada?
How do you store your passwords? How do you remember them, given they are getting more complicated every day? Do you cache them in your browser?
If they can easily get celebrity nude photos from phones and such, how safe is your data and private information? Might be time to worry about such things?
What cybersecurity issues have arisen in the week of March 6th 2023? Lots of issues with Foreign Interference in Canada and also Cyber Attacks across the board.