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WordPress: Two New Plug-ins and a Problem

From a long while ago, but still a bit topical. Both Plugins are useful for your WordPress world.

So after completing the upgrade to WordPress 2.6 I had to clean up some things, so I decided to add some more affiliates to my UBD theme advertising rotor, unfortunately it now no longer seems to work. I have reported the issue to UBD, but for now, as you can see I have no ads in my rotor, and I can’t seem to add any more either!

WordPress Plug Ins of the Week

This week I added two plug ins that are making life a lot simpler for me on Canadian Financial Opinions.

The first plug is No Self Pings by Michael D. Adams which stops comments appearing in your comment queue from internal links done in your own blog. This is useful to me right now as I only have about 300 more posts to clear up on the site which still point back to the old site on BLOGSPOT.  I found a reference to this on a site which talked about the best 5 WordPress plug ins to have, and I must admit, this one is brilliant, I just wish I found it sooner (if you look at my comment list in my sidebar it is chocked full of internal link repair messages).

The second plug ins is Broken Link Checker by Janis Elsts, this tool is also brilliant. I haven’t turned it ON on the Financial site, but I did turn it on, on this site and it found 35 broken links after I had already cleaned up this sites old references to BLOGSPOT as well. Again, a highly recommended plug in to use, to keep your site clean so that when ROBOTS wander through it, they don’t get lost!

All I need now is for UBD or me to figure out what is wrong with my advertising rotor. I don’t dare touch it on my financial site. I also did use the WordPress 2.6 checkpoint facility too, so thank you WordPress for that as well!

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