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8 Simple Ways to Clean Up & Optimize Your WordPress Site

Gentle Reader: Normally you know my opinion of Guest Posts and my complete loathing, however, I am making an exception here, as this is a quite useful set of points from COREY JANSEN Marketing Manager, Executive SEO Inc.. Have a read, some good points made here.

Is your once super-fast, super-optimized WordPress site running much slower than usual? Is this effecting your search engine rankings? Maybe it’s time for a clean-up.

But before you proceed, take note that some of the tips mentioned below require deep cleaning. So, you should do a backup before making any changes. You never know when something might go wrong, and you don’t want to risk losing all your precious work.

Get your gloves and start scrubbing!

close up shot of a typewriter for your WordPress site
Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

1.      Clean up the Resized Images that Are Unused

Removing these images is a very good way of obtaining some extra space on the disk. You should know that this measure isn’t necessary unless your site has been online for quite a while or is too image-heavy. If this is the case then you should use the “DNUI Delete not used image” plugin to perform a scan of the database and search for pictures that aren’t correlated with posts. After selecting the “Show only image not used” option from the Options tab, the pictures that are being used in your posts won’t show.

2.      Optimization of Tables

The great news is that you can optimize tables without using any plugins. All you need to do is go to phpMyAdmin, select your database, click on Check all, then on Optimize table. You can perform this task even if you have multiple pages. An important part of your WordPress Site.

3.      Get Rid of Spam Comments

It is very likely to get hit by this kind of “bugs”, especially if your site is popular. So, if you wish to eliminate the spam comments from your database, there is a very manageable approach to doing this. Go to the Spam tab from Comments and restore the comments wrongly marked as spam. After that, it is just a matter of deleting the spammy comments by pressing the Empty Spam button.

It is recommended to perform this clean-up every week if your site is prone to having this spam problem.

4.      Removing Old Posts

Surely, you have a bunch of posts dating back years that are simply a bit outdated for these times. Change #-of-days with the time and days when you need your posts to start being removed. You would also need to change # with the site ID that you are putting up for cleaning.

5.      Undesirable Plugins and Old Themes

After the frenzy of experimenting with all sorts of plugins, you will find yourself covered in unnecessary plugins that affect the speed of the page loading and your site’s overall performance. The solution is to go to Plugins and carefully analyze which plugins are useful and which aren’t.

Also, old unused themes can relieve the site’s loading time as well, if removed. You can do that from the overlay theme details by clicking on the theme.

Regarding themes, if your theme breaks during an event, it is best to keep Twenty Fifteen in your themes since WordPress will automatically apply it to your site.

6.      Clean up HTML on WordPress Site

If you are an experienced user, you might consider using one of the two HTML cleaning plugins.

  • HTML cleanup finds the entire HTML from the backend you want to remove from your posts.
  • Clean HTML will give you a button on the visual editor that enables a clean and easy removal of the unwanted HTML.

It would help if you weren’t lazy about this, though, and manually go through all of these changes since errors can occur and some HTML that you want may be seen as undesirable.

7.      Deleting Broken Links

Both web users and Google’s algorithm are very likely to be a bit annoyed by seeing broken links on your site. So, you need to take care of them. You can use W3.org to test your links and see if any of them is faulty.

Another option is to try the Broken Link Checker plugin, for your WordPress site.

8.      Getting Rid of Old Post Revisions

If you wish to gain space on your database, then you can safely use the RVG Optimize Database plugin to erase them. After doing that, the plugin also helps you optimize the database and stats that show you the amount of data that has been saved and the actions performed.

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