Take these Broken Links…
Tired of encountering dead-end links? Discover the power of cleaning up broken links and optimizing your website for maximum impact.
The blog carnival used to be a way to get yourself noticed, not any more.
Tired of encountering dead-end links? Discover the power of cleaning up broken links and optimizing your website for maximum impact.
Blog carnivals are a thing of the past, discover why they lost their charm and how to adapt your blogging strategy accordingly. Stay relevant! #bloggingtips
Can you build a brandname simply by being controversial? Evidently it works for Presidents, but will it build your brand?
It used to be that external links were easily built up using Carnivals, which were posts with many links to thematically similar articles. Those days are long gone.
After the fiasco that was my attempt at hosting the Carnival of Personal Finance (although that post is one of the most popular I have… Read More »Carnival Whining an Epilogue
Carnival hosting never did me that much good, and the amount of grief I took from authors made it that much more useless to me.