Social Networking Crave Where You Are
Social networking is a big part of the surveillance capitalism world. Facebook, twitter and other social networking apps use where you are as a vital aspect of their vision of you.
#Facebook #Surveillance
Social networking is a big part of the surveillance capitalism world. Facebook, twitter and other social networking apps use where you are as a vital aspect of their vision of you.
#Facebook #Surveillance
I utilized a staging site provided by DreamHost to develop and try out new upgrades for their large financial site. Projects in progress include a theme change, testing a new mobile page creation plugin, and deciding between Yoast and MathRank for SEO. They learn from their initial errors on the staging site and plan to document their actions and streamline the plugins and ads on the site. They also note the challenges of designing mobile pages and testing SEO tools. For SEO testing, the author considers conducting tests on the live site, emphasizing the importance of site back-ups.
Let me preface this with, I did not run into an Error on the Ontario COVID-19 Vaccine booking site. I did have trouble using it,… Read More »COVID-19 Ontario Vaccine Booking Error
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Current affairs and updates on Cybersecurity issues for Canada and many other countries.
It is very important to keep your links up to date and not broken. Google and other spiders don’t like dealing with failed links.