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From back in the days when Feedburner was the RSS aggregator to have. It is gone now, so what shall we use now?

Seems like the RSS feeds on Canadian Personal Finance Opinions has gone a bit squirrely lately, if my Adsense counters are to be believed. The Feedburner counter on the site continues to show very low-ish numbers but I am seeing over 350 RSS feed page displays on my Adsense counters, so this is quite intriguing really. Part of it may be that Yet Another Related Posts Plugin has changed and now it actually includes related posts in the RSS feeds, so that may be what is helping as well, I am not sure.

Performancing Ads continues to work nicely for me, with more advertising spots being booked, which  means more money for me. Each time I get an ad booked, I up my rate by $1 to see if I am underselling my site or not.

I also got a nice call back from an old direct advertiser who has renewed  his yearly subscription with my site as well, so now I have two dedicated ads for the year, which is just great as well.  I am back to working for slave wages, instead of for FREE, Whoo Hoo!

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