Another interesting week in Security and Technology with the new Apple 6S series being released, and then plenty of news about malware and viruses inside the previously (thought) pristine Apple App Store. Never a dull moment on the Internet that is for sure.
In a bit of technological skull-duggery Volkswagen pulled off what I would call the ultimate bit of technological slight of hand, but unfortunately got caught at it, and the Verge explains, how they did it.
Security Tweets
Pandora’s box? Yes indeed the wild west of wearables is another area of opportunity for the bad guys to make inroads in terms of your security, time to start cleaning up this area.
As you can see there is a lot of money in hacking new iOS loads. How much? $1 Million.
You’d think that the computers in the Pentagon are all secure and safe, wouldn’t you? Well, maybe not that safe (at least in the food court)
What do you mean North America is out of IPv4 addresses? Well it was going to happen, now is as good a time as ever to adopt IPv6, but that won’t happen just yet either.
Let us end with the “Say WHAT?” thought for the week from our friends at the FBI.