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Social Media: 1 Month Later

So my experiment of trying to build my readership for Canadian Personal Finance with Social Media seems to be succeeding somewhat. My readership seems to be up about 10 since my excursion into trying to expand my Social Media presence.

Social Media
Social Media is the Answer, but what is the question ?

I was doing the following usually:

  1. Automatically put new posts on Twitter the moment they are published using Wordtwit
  2. I have also made sure folks can easily ReTweet the post by adding tweetmeme badges to all posts as well.
  3. I added DiggDigg panels to every post (but not on the main site, you should only get it showing up when you are reading a specific post. This seems to help a little.
  4. I was also plastering every single post into various media sites (every single post).
  5. Once a day I will put up an old post from my archive to get some of my older posts (marked with OBG (Oldie But Goodie)) so folks know this as well. For a while I was doing 2 archive a day, but I have cut that down to 1. I also use Hootsuite to take care all of this.
  6. I use Hootsuite in the morning to cue up many posts for the day from various folks to not Tsunami Twitter with posts all at once.

I have learned from some better connected folks that (4) is not a wise thing to do, as it seems that actually detracts from all your work, and folks simply don’t care about your posts eventually (you look like a Spammer). I have scaled back how many posts I put up on Digg and other sites of the same type, but I do add all posts to Twitter for now.

My only remaining question is, given the amount of work I am doing, is it worthwhile? Given I have scaled things back a little, I am not feeling quite so concerned about how much time I am spending, but it is still a question. Will my readership continue to grow using this methodology? I have no idea, so I will extend the experiment to include November as well.

Epilogue: This outline is interesting, but not how things are being done currently.

Image courtesy of Kittisak at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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