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Back to Page Rank 4 (Nearly Complete)

In the good old days of Google, Page Rank was an actual number, and it was a fluid number, which changed often. The higher the number the better, and Zero was a page rank for a site that Google didn’t like.

So I have managed to get back my Page Rank after a lot of work on my part (and some pleading with Google as well).  Previously my rank was 4 and it is now back to 4, so I am not really complaining, however I did do a fair amount of changes on my site which I outlined in my posts:

Fixing Page Rank

The final steps that I took that seem to have fixed the final issues were to:

  1. Disassociate myself with Text Link Ads, which is painful, because they actually paid more than Adsense ever did, but to get Page Rank I will sacrifice this income stream in hopes of creating other income streams.
  2. Changing my site theme to The Thesis Theme for WordPress which is very flexible and just great for THE Canadian Personal Finance Site, and I am still learning what I can do with it.

The new Theme ideas are still percolating in my mind, however, it was dead simple to make the site look very similar to what the site was previously.

Now I have a good Page Rank, I guess it’s time to start a marketing campaign for the site, and have a real advertising page as well!

Page Rank Articles

3 thoughts on “Back to Page Rank 4 (Nearly Complete)”

    1. What is even more interesting is that I have a lot of different pages with Page Rank now too, hadn’t really noticed before. Now I need to find my highest Page Rank pages! New Challenge…

  1. Pingback: Page Rank Of 2/10

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