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As I have said previously, sometimes the most significant readership boom comes when you are mentioned by the Main Stream Media or by someone from the Main Stream Media, and this week we have yet another powerful example of what this can do for a smaller site like THE Canadian Personal Finance Site.

My post about How to Get a Better Deal with Telecomm Companies went viral when Rob Carrick mentioned it in his online Globe and Mail Carrick on Money weekly post.  How viral (to me, viral is relative to my regular readership)? Look at the following graphic:

Note boom at Start of January
Note Boom at Start of January

Boom Goes the Readers

That mention alone took me from about 500 page views daily to 3000 for a few days.

Will I keep these new readers? I will keep a few, but getting these jumps every once is still nice to make me feel like I am being heard a little out there.

It’s funny when I wrote that post, I didn’t think much of it, it was more of a note to myself to remember how I got a good deal, the next time I have to deal with the Customer Retention monster.

Oh and I did publish my Year End Stats as well. I need to make some inroads here, It’s time to try to grow my site some more.

Press Bounces


2 thoughts on “One Mention and Boom (again)”

  1. Congrats on the traffic bump BCM! I always love Rob’s mentions, not only is it a nice traffic increase, the type of reader (Canadian interested in personal finance) is so much more targeted and more likely to return than when you get a bunch of SU/Reddit traffic.

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